Boardchick of the month: Rea Papathanasiou

Yes! Een nieuwe boardchick of the month! Rea Papathanasiou (24) is een veelzijdige boardchick. Niet alleen is ze professioneel windsurfster, maar doet ze aan snowboarden, skateboarden en surfen. I love it! Omdat ze haar vragen in het Engels heeft beantwoord heb ik besloten dit interview niet te vertalen naar het Nederlands, hope you don’t mind, this time! Enjoy de boardchick van mei!


Name: Rea Papathanasiou
Age: 24
From: In a beautiful suburb of Athens, called Vouliagmeni.
Boardsports: Snowboarding, Surfing, skateboarding, Longboarding/cruising, Wakeboarden, Stand up peddle surfing and Professional boarder on windsurf.
Favoriete boardsports merk: Billabong


Evey: When did you first get into (x)boarding and did you grew up doing it (Is it a family affair?)?

I used to be very active and was into all kinds of sports since the age of 2; you can blame my dad for that, he was also a huge fan of sports variety. Even though I’ve tried almost everything, I always had an addiction to water sports and windsurf was the one that stole my heart 10 years ago. Almost all the kids are into watersports in my area as it is located next to the sea.

Evey: Do you have any fears or suffered from difficulties (at the beginning)?

I was always afraid of sharks. Windsurf and surf have both helped me a lot but I don’t think I could ever get over it.

Evey: What do you love the most about boarding? / Or best board experience?

Most board sports, especially windsurf, surf and snowboard give you a unique feeling of freedom.

Evey: How often and where do you practice/do it?

I used to practice everyday, but now I rarely do.

Evey: How do you stay fit? (foodies you can’t live without, go to the gym)?

I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and do some pilates sessions every now and then; but I’m not very fit, cause I’m addicted to deserts and popcorns.

Evey: What’s your favorite place to board? And what is your dream board destination?

My favourite place to board is my hometown, Vouliagmeni. It is located in a big gulf and I makes me feel safe. Although I dream about surfing in California.

Evey: What girls did you look up to when you were younger? And are you inspired by girls riders rather than looking at guys?

I was inspired by the girls on the Billabong and Roxy lookbooks, I always wanted to be one of them.

Evey: What do you love to do besides boarding?

I love chilling out by the beach during summer, as well as doing different kinds of outdoor activities. I also like taking pictures and I love listening to music- I could stay in for a day and just browse videos on youtube.

Evey: How would you describe your clothing style (in spare time)

My style is basically a mix and match of rock, hippie and sporty that differs from time to time. At the moment I am very influenced by grunge and minimal.

Evey: Any plans for summer 2014? Vacations or anything?

I have no certain summer plans just yet. I will probably be spending some time on the Greek islands.

Evey: Sounds like a plan! Got anything else you like to share?

Whatever you do, do it in style 😉

Thank you so much Rea for your time! Check out her own personal style blog on Surf Addict Fashionista.

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